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Come join us at the annual Waterfront Art Festival .

We’re an outdoor, juried Festival in Webster, NY featuring fine arts, and crafts. The Festival is held in North Ponds Park, located along Route 104.

2024 Artists .

Diane Alchowiak Shell Creations by Diane
Wendy Annal Wendy’s Bird Art
James Anzalone Anzalone Olive Oil
Sandra Arcese Sami Bambu
kristine bailey Buffawix Candle Co
Ali Bamonto Clover & Fox
Richard Barham Papa’s workshop
Caleb Barnaby Caleb Barnaby Designs
Katie & Ray Bates Katie and Ray Bates
Deborah Benedetto
Shengzhu Bernardin True Blue Collections Inc
Richard Birkett Fantasy Clocks
Susan and Charley Blum Yayas Yummys
Nancey Brackett My Corner Studio
Sue Browning IdlePaws
Rita Cappelletti Rita Lynn’s Woolen Creations
Julie and Donna Ciardi Sand and Sea by Jules
Roen Cloutier Rxcloutierart
Elaina Cosner Lainey Lou
Nicholas Costello One Of A Kind Sea Glass Jewelry And Designs
Laura Crosetti Laura’s Beaded Treasures
William Dean Semiwild Art
Darrell Dietrich Dietrich
Regina Eldridge Endless Rainbow Gems
Rebecca Engert KB WHITE FARM
Richard Fickhesen Kissed By The Sun Spices & Buffalo Artisan Food Traders
Chad Flint Flint’s Maple
Robert Fragale All forked up art
Sharon Frank A Closer Look
Jessica Gallagher Emerald Butterfly Jewelry
SEAN GALLAGHER Gallagher Photo Graphics
Jennifer Gendron Sew Pieceful Designs
Nancy Guilfoyle Geology Rocks
Setara Haidari Setara arts
Bonnie Henry J&R Henry Woodworking
Susan Blye Howard Blue Rooster Arts
Peter Huckstep Handcrafted by Huckstep
Edward Huehn Sewing Husband
Henry Jalsa In The Beginning Jewelry
Fred Janik Designs by Janik
Martin Johnson Spice Project
Rebecca Kamal Naturally Gourdgeous
Ronda Kris Illusions n Art
Annie Lane Annie Lane Essentials
Melissa LeBeau mcldesigns
Jeff Lindgren Jeff Lindgren Fine Art
Sean Maciejewski SKM Photography
Nicole Manning The Pearl & Stone
Peter Mastrogiovanni North Bear Woodworking
Misty Mcfarlin Clay Chicks by ME
Shawn Merlin Owen and Oliver
Mary Newquist MSA Pottery
Harry Noel Pens By Poppy
Yen Ospina Art of Yen Ospina
Emily Payne Accessories by Emily
Brian Peisch B-Earthware
Joe Reboh Leather & Lace
Michelle Roffman HerEyesOn
Kristen Sander K2 Custom Designs
steven sanders Steven Brett Photography
Jeanne Scannell Jeanne Scannell
Dan Schmidt Dan Does Glass
Margery Schofield Sweetbriar creations
Lori Sofianek Glori Bead, LLC
Brian Szczepanski Big man little lathe
Allison Thorpe Fluid Designs
Michael & Marcia Tomb & Zach Studio Michaelino
Kevin Tubiolo TOTL Photography by Kevin Tubiolo
Thomas Tubiolo The Land of Paradux
Patti Van Hall Handcrafted by Patti
MaKendra VanGee Made By MaKendra
ashley vliet Rt’s Pro Cuts (facebook)
Pauline Wegman Key and Sea Creative
James Williams Purple Moon Studios
Lisa Wilson Nectar of the Vine
Kevin Zimmerman 716WeldingArt